Ryan Goodgion (Property & Casualty Department)
Pond Insurance Agency
Ryan Goodgion
Dad of Nikki and Gage, Enjoys spending time with family and watching college football!!
Ryan has been with Pond Insurance since 2014. He is one of our Sales Agents and really enjoys helping people with their Insurance needs. Ryan has been married to his wife Kristen for over 18 years; she is a teacher at Christ Academy where both Nikki and Gage attend school. Ryan volunteers a lot of his time at his kids school through various events they have during the year. He is also a Committee Member for Ranch Days, which is a 2 day Sporting Clay event that raises money for a local non-profit “Hands to Hands” in our community. When Ryan is not at work, he enjoys watching his kids play sports and spending time at Possum Kingdom with his friends and family!
Favorite Movie: Christmas Vacation
Favorite Vacation: Dominic Republic beach resort